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Allstate Insurance

General Description Of The Company

One of the largest insurance providers in the United States, surpassed only by State Farm, Allstate provides almost all types of insurance policies, including automobile coverage. Allstate is a publicly owned company, and also one of the older car insurance providers in the country.

Allstate commercials are seen by many people each year, each featuring the motto "You're in good hands." With the vast array of insurance types that Allstate offers, this statement is true for millions of customers. Allstate is known for providing a number of incentives and discounts, and its website is both useful and easy to use.

Allstate started out as a brand of tires, which were offered by Sears Roebuck and Company. Eventually, it expanded to include automobile insurance, partially because of Robert E. Wood and Carl L. Odell, his neighbor. In the 1950s, the company grew to add other types of insurance. Its signature slogan started being used in the 1960s and is still used today.

Allstate is known for sponsoring a wide variety of sporting teams over the years, from college football to NASCAR and the USA Olympic teams. It has also been known to sponsor soccer teams and events.

Car Insurance In This Company

Allstate’s website is extremely user-friendly and has many resources to help drivers understand more about car insurance coverage. It includes interactive tools that allow users to get information about both themselves and their assets quickly and also gives recommendations about which types of insurance coverage you should consider for your automobile insurance plan.

The company has won numerous awards over the years, including being named by Fortune Magazine as one of America's most admired companies in the years 2007 and 2009. Additionally, it was named by the National Association of Female Executives as the Top Company for Executive Women on multiple occasions.

One of the notable aspects of Allstate automobile insurance is its Accident Forgiveness Program. This program is a welcome bonus for drivers and can save them money if they are in an accident. They also offer Deductible Rewards and Safe Driving Bonuses.

Comparing Car Insurance Rates By Age

Teen, young adult, and older drivers will often see higher rates when getting insurance through Allstate. This is common amongst automobile insurance companies across the board, however.

Car Insurance Comparison By Driving History

People with at-fault accidents usually see an increase in their insurance rates, but Allstate is well known for its Accident Forgiveness Program which is a huge help in this case.

Compare Car Insurance By Credit Score

Many states do not allow car insurance companies to adjust rates based on a person's credit score, but it is always a good idea to check if your state allows it. If it does, and your credit score improves, contact Allstate to see if this will affect your rates.

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