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Auto-Owners Insurance

General Description Of The Company

Auto-Owners Insurance provides good coverage and reasonable prices for many people seeking automobile insurance on their vehicles. The company was established in 1916 in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. It is now based in Lansing, Michigan, and provides automobile insurance in 26 states. With over 2.7 million policyholders, Auto-Owners Insurance offers numerous types of insurance, including life, business, home, and automobile.

Auto-Owners Insurance only uses independent agents, and insurance cannot be obtained directly from the company. Because they know that people like to save money, they offer a variety of discounts. Discounts they offer include multi-policy discounts, payment history discounts, paperless billing discounts, paid in full discounts, and discounts for safety features.

Auto-Owners Insurance believes that a better experience comes to consumers when independent agents are used. Because of this, customers work with a local and licensed insurance expert. Its claims service, called "No Problem" claims service, is ranked highly. Auto-Owners Insurance lists in its goals to be the best provider of claims service in the industry. They offer 24/7 claims, and they let customers follow the status of applications online.

Additionally, Auto-Owners Insurance has multiple disaster teams located around the country. These teams are available and ready to respond to policyholders if a natural disaster or extreme weather occurs.

Car insurance in this company

Car insurance with Auto-Owners Insurance is easy to obtain. It is a great choice for people who like to have an agent to speak with one-on-one. The company also offers a safe-driving app, called TrueRide, which can help users save even more money.

Unfortunately, Auto-Owners Insurance is not offered in every state. Because of this, people looking to utilize Auto-Owners insurance might not be able to. Auto-Owners Insurance is also not a preferred company for people who would like to purchase and manage their insurance coverage over the Internet.

Auto-Owners Insurance provides policyholders interactions with agents in their area, people who know the weather, terrain, and also great places to get repairs. This benefit, and the focus on in-person customer service, are reasons that many people choose to get insurance from Auto-Owners Insurance. Their rates are very competitive, even with insurance agents being in the mix.

Comparing Car Insurance Rates By Age

As with most automobile insurance companies, drivers that are in either the older or younger demographics may pay higher rates. This is standard across the automobile insurance industry.

Car Insurance Comparison By Driving History

Driving history affects rates, but having an agent to talk to in-person means you can get one-on-one answers to questions about this that you have.

Compare Car Insurance By Credit Score

Some states allow a person's credit score to be used when determining rates for automobile insurance. If you live in a state that allows this, make sure to contact Auto-Owners Insurance if your credit score improves. It may affect the rate you pay.


I just want to say thank you for providing me with car insurance over the last decade. I recommend you to my friends and family. In-person service is ALWAYS better.
5.0 out of 5.0
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