Non Owners Car Insurance

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How Much Does Non Owner Policies Cost

When people first hear of non-owner’s car insurance, they may be wondering why people would even consider getting insurance in the first place if they don’t even own a car. Non-owner policies are quite useful for a wide variety of reasons, and they are available for a lot of different kinds of people. If you find yourself in need of insurance even though you don’t own a car, don’t worry! It’s not hopeless. Most car insurance companies do offer policies for people who don’t own their car because they want to help as many drivers get the car policy coverage that they need.

The main difference between non-owner coverage and more common policies is that you probably won’t get collision or comprehensive coverage because those typically pertain to a specific car on the plan. Otherwise, it’s pretty much the same thing and will cover you in the event that something happens while you are behind the wheel of a car - any car.

Who Needs Non-Insurance Car Insurance Coverage?

So, who needs this different type of coverage in the first place? Well, there are a lot of people who might consider getting non-owner insurance.

First of all, if you plan on borrowing a car for a period, then you will definitely want to be covered. It’s possible that your friend or family member’s car insurance may cover you if something happens, but there’s also the chance that you may be liable for any costs associated with any car accidents that occur under your watch. This goes double if you plan on borrowing a relative’s car to help cart them around town during an illness. You would not want to give them any added stress by causing them undue financial problems from issues that happened when you were behind the wheel.

If you rent a lot of cars or you tend to use car shares, then you may consider getting extra coverage for yourself. That will help you out in the event that the insurance behind the rental car company isn’t up to snuff.

You don’t want to be caught without enough coverage because you can rack up a lot of dough to pay out in that instance.

Other reasons to get non-owner insurance are to keep your regular car insurance coverage costs low. If you have a break in car ownership, insurance companies may see a lapse in coverage as a bad thing, so it can cause your insurance rates to go up the next time you do get car insurance, which is never fun.

Also, if you have had some problems in the past and have your license suspended, you may need to get insurance before you can get your license back. You might not have a car at the moment, because a vehicle can be an expensive cost when you can’t even drive it! However, some states require you to get your insurance coverage back before you can even get a license again. So, non-owner insurance makes complete sense in this case too.

When Do You Need Non-Owner Car Insurance?

If you don’t even own a car, why would you want to get car insurance? Well the funny thing is that there are actually quite a few instances in which you would want to get non owner car insurance to cover yourself in the event that you get behind the wheel of a car.

You will probably want to make sure you’re covered every time you drive, so getting non-owner insurance is really worth it for a lot of people, especially if they drive a lot even if they don’t have their own car. Who could get this type of insurance?

  • You had your license suspended.

    When your license is suspended because of a DUI or other offense, you might need to get car insurance before they will even give you a new license. If your license has been suspended for a while you might have sold your car already. If this is your case, then getting a non owner car insurance policy will suffice to help you get started with your license again.
  • You want to have continuous coverage.

    Car insurance companies like to see that you have had continuous coverage on your auto coverage record. If you don’t, your next policy price could go up. In order to keep their prices lower, some people keep insurance coverage even when they don’t have a car to keep their prices from going back up later on when they do end up getting a new car.
  • Car rentals and car shares.

    If you like to rent cars a lot to go on trips or you are a member of a car sharing company like Zip Car, then you may want to get extra car insurance. The car insurance that rental companies try to give you is so expensive that it really makes the cost of the rental go up by quite a bit. Car share companies do have insurance too, but having some extra coverage will put your mind at ease in case something happens that is not covered by that company. A non owner insurance policy provides peace of mind.
  • You’re going to be driving around a relative.

    How nice of you to volunteer to drive your ill relative around to their doctor’s appointments. People who are unable to drive might not have their own owner policy when they give up their driving ability. So, you should get some if you plan on getting behind the wheel of their car. Don’t get stuck driving someone around without any coverage on yourself or the car. Getting caught without insurance coverage is like being caught in your birthday suit, only a lot more costly.
  • You plan on borrowing cars.

    If your friend has a car that they want to loan you or will let you use upon occasion, you probably want to consider getting your own car insurance. This will make it so that you will not be liable for any extra costs that may not be covered by your friend’s insurance, which could save you a lot of money in the event of an accident.
  • Anyone who doesn’t own a car but still plans on driving.

    Car insurance premiums for people who don’t own their own cars are a must if they plan on driving anywhere at any time. Car insurance is required for anyone who is driving on the road in 48 out of 50 states, and in the other 2 states you’ll still be liable for expenses incurred in an accident even if you aren’t the official owner of the car. Car insurance is completely essential!

When do you need a
non-owner car insurance policy?

You have been convicted of a DUI or other driving violation

You have been convicted of a DUI or other driving violation

You constantly borrow other people’s cars

You constantly borrow other people’s cars

You would like to have auto car insurance without a vehicle

You would like to have auto car insurance without a vehicle

You frequently use a car-sharing service

You frequently use a car-sharing service

Your drivers license needs to be reinstated

Your drivers license needs to be reinstated

When do you not need non-owner car insurance policy?

You already have your own vehicle

You already have your own vehicle

You live with your parents and you can normally use their vehicles

You live with your parents and you can normally use their vehicles

You do not have a drivers license

You do not have a drivers license

How to Get Non-Owner Car Insurance Policy

Getting Non-Owner Car Insurance Coverage

So, how do you get non owner car insurance? It’s actually pretty easy. Most of the large insurance companies offer this type of coverage because they know how important it is for everyone to be able to get vehicle coverage who wants it. The one thing that is different about non owner car insurance versus regular car insurance for auto owners is that it doesn’t cover collision or comprehensive insurance, since you don’t own a car and they probably pretty much assume that the car you are driving will be covered under some other policy. However, everything else you would expect to get on a car insurance policy. The best part about non owner coverage is that it usually costs a least a bit less than regular insurance, meaning it’s a great way to save on car insurance policies.

Rates for a non-owner’s policy for automobile insurance can create many benefits, including avoiding a lapse in coverage in some situations. The cost for getting this type of plan is determined in similar ways as general policies. Many insurance companies prefer to talk over the phone when issuing these types of plans; however, some make them available online as well.

Non-Owner Car Insurance Coverage

Policies are obtained on an individual basis, meaning that each person receives his or her own insurance policy. Costs for non-owner’s insurance policies can also depend on factors like the amount of coverage you would like and your driver's history. Many non-owner policies do not carry a deductible, and they most often have coverage limits.

Mostly, a non-owner policy is a less expensive car insurance policy compared to a conventional plan. It can help keep you protected against financial hardship that can stem from being in an automobile accident.

How Much Does Non Owner Policies Cost

Getting non-owner car insurance can be both necessary and convenient. This coverage is usually less expensive than policies covering a vehicle, the reason being that insurance providers view people who don't own cars as having a lower risk. Part of the reason for this is that they do not have access to a regular car.

The factors that influence automobile insurance costs for non-owners are very similar to people that do own cars. There are varying amounts of liability insurance coverage that you can choose, and having more coverage means that your premium will be higher. In the long run, more coverage can save you money if you are found at-fault in an automobile accident.

A second factor that affects the cost of your policy is your driving history. People that do not have a history of making claims, getting tickets, or being in accidents, generally have lower rates on their car insurance policies. This is no different with non-owner insurance. There are also policies, called high-risk auto insurance policies, that may be necessary in some situations for non-owners. The prices for a high-risk auto policy from a company are higher than the same coverage for people with a clean record.

The geographical location that you live in has an impact on premiums as well. Cities that are highly populated, for example, may have higher premiums.

Lastly, how often you plan to use a vehicle has an impact on your rates. People that drive other people's cars often are less likely to have lower prices than those who drive only on occasion.

Company Non-Owner Yearly Rate
State Farm $408
Farmers $521
Progressive $576
Allstate $638
Nationwide $677

Benefits Of A Non-Owner Car Insurance Policy

Benefits Of A Non-Owner Car Insurance Policy

Often, specific groups of people or types of individuals can be the most to benefit. Individuals that can benefit a lot from this type of policy are often not even aware that it exists. For businesses where travel happens a lot, it can be less expensive to get a non-owner car insurance policy than it is to get insurance from the rental car companies themselves. Even using this type of insurance policy as little as once a month can save you money. The savings are even higher for people that travel and rent vehicles more than one time over the course of each month.

Non-owners auto insurance policies also benefit businesses where their employees use their own car on the job. Often, their personal automobile insurance policies will not provide coverage to them if they get into an accident while they are working. The difference between personal and commercial coverages is impacted by what the vehicle is being used for more than the style of the vehicle. It is cheaper for businesses to provide non-owner coverage than it is to buy company vehicles for all of their employees. 

Individuals that are identified as high-risk drivers will be more likely to afford the lesser expensive non-owned personal driver policies. While working on getting full privileges back, drivers can still be covered. Plans are also great for individuals that do not own a car but do borrow vehicles from the people that they know from time to time. 

Final Notes

If you want to make sure you’re covered every time you get behind the wheel of a car, you need to get some non-owner insurance. It will cover you every time you drive which is an excellent feeling. You can always change your policy to add a vehicle if you end up getting one. Be safe out there and make sure you’re covered.

Rental Car Insurance

Whether you are getting a rental car for work, vacation, or personal use, there is always paperwork to fill out and add-ons that are presented. When renting a vehicle, the salespeople inform the renter about the risks and consequences of not buying car insurance coverage from them. They make money when you purchase insurance through them, and in some situations, it can be a good plan. Often, a better plan is to get non-owners car insurance or look to getting insurance before you get to the rental counter.

First off, your current automobile insurance policy may apply to rental cars if you are using them for non-business purposes. Checking with your insurer or employer about the specifics of your policy, and whether or not it covers rental cars, is a smart plan that can save you money. It is also possible to get a car insurance policy that you can use for rental cars even if you do not own a car yourself. This falls under the category of non-owner car insurance. 

If you are renting a vehicle for more than a week, looking into getting your own policy is a good idea. You can choose to purchase coverage at the rental company’s counter, but there comes the point where having your own policy becomes less expensive. The longer you rent a car for the more of a difference you will see between purchasing non-owner insurance and purchasing the coverage that the rental car company provides.

Multiple insurance companies provide insurance specifically designed for rental cars. Through a non-owner’s insurance policy, you can also insure yourself. Because non-owner’s insurance policies insure you as a person, rather than the vehicle you are driving, they can be excellent choices for people who rent cars often or for long periods of time.


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Though I don’t have a car, but I have driver licence. Also, from time to time I'm travelling through the country and renting a vehicles in different cities. So every time I pay for insurance to a car sharing companies. If I'm only know about non owners insurance before, I could save a lot of money
This type of insurance is not for me. But you gave me a bunch of useful information, who knows, maybe I'll have top purchase non owner policy in future. Thanks a lot, anyway. It was really interested to read

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