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How much cost Acura ILX car insurance?

Acura ILX General Information

The technologies in the vehicle have been updated to keep pace with what is available over the years. It has a length of 182 inches, a width of 70 inches, and a height of 56 inches. Available in an eight-speed dual-clutch transmission from the year 2016 on, the driving is smooth, and the vehicle is some people’s favorite.

How much does it cost to insure my Acura ILX

Compact executive car lovers find interest in the Acura ILX, a vehicle produced by Honda under the Acura brand. There are a few different designs for the vehicle, which had updates to it in 2016 and 2019. Introduced in 2012, it was first unveiled at the North American International Auto Show in 2012. Acura was a new design, then. Now, it has more options available.

Acura ILX Insurance Rates by Model Year

Model Year Total Premium
2020 Acura ILX $1,475
2019 Acura ILX $1,450
2018 Acura ILX $1,442
2017 Acura ILX $1,432
2016 Acura ILX $1,421
2015 Acura ILX $1,393
2014 Acura ILX $1,354
2013 Acura ILX $1,321

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How Much Does It Cost To Insure Acura ILX By Year?

Insurance for the Acura ILX is on par with the national average, coming in at just three dollars more expensive than the average vehicle per month. Different auto insurance companies charge different rates on average for insurance with the car, so shopping around is essential.

Acura ILX Safety Rating And Damage Threshold

In terms of the safety ratings, Acura ILX models have scored five stars overall in the NHTSA system. It received five stars in all categories except for three, which it received four stars in. These three categories were the frontal passenger, side driver (2013 – 2015 only), and the rollover category.

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