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How much cost Lexus car insurance?

Lexus is the luxury brand of the Toyota Motor Company. They have full line of coupes, sedans, and convertibles. It’s RX 350 luxury utility vehicle is its best selling model and its most expensive model is the LC 500H which will set you back close to $100,000. The brand started selling cars in the United States in 1989, introducing the LS model to the American marketing place with great acclaim. In recent years they have consistemtly sold over 300,000 vehicles per year in the U.S. Lexis owners know they are getting a quality vehicle with a comfortable ride, premium parts, and advanced electronics. If you’re in the market for a luxury vehicle, Lexus should be on your list of cars to consider.

Average Insurance Cost for a Lexus

There’s a rule of thumb in the car insurance space that says the more expensive your car is, the more you will likely pay to insure it. And that makes sense. Luxury vehicles use premium parts and technology that, if damaged, cost more to replace than standard car parts. Generally speaking, this holds true for Lexus. On average, you can expect to pay between 5% and 10% more for insuring your Lexus compared to a standard car. But keep in mind that there are many other factors that insurers take into when setting premiums. First and forecast is your own driving safety record. If you have a clean slate you will inevitably get preferred rates from your carrier. Next, your personal demographics will help determine the size of your premiums. Your age, your place of residence, even things like your gender and marital status can influence your rates. Shop around before settling on an insurer for your Lexus.

Choose your Lexus model

Model Monthly insurance rate Base car price
CT $172 $31,250
ES $167 $38,900
GS $221 $46,310
GS F $220 $83,940
GX $163 $51,680
IS $162 $37,825
LS $154 $72,520
LX $161 $89,880
NX $167 $35,285
RC $220 $40,155
RC F $157 $64,165
RX $154 $43,120

Lexus Insurance Rates by Company

If you shop around for car insurance (and make no mistake, that is exactly what we recommend) you will find that there are rather wide differences between what companies will charge you for the exact same coverage. Large companies like Allstate, Travelers, and Progressive can often times give you a competitive price for insuring your Lexus, but small carriers like Erie and Farm Bureau are often able to undercut their bigger competitors. You should get a minimum of three quotes before choosing an insurer. Shopping around will save you money omn tyour annual premiums.

Roadside Assistance for Your Lexus

Roadside Assistance is a service that comes out to help you in the event you run out of gas, lock yourself out of your car, get a flat tire and other run of th mill problems. Lexus offers free roadside assistance to its new car owners. However, most car insurers offer robust roadside assistance plans which can augment your basic coverage. Talk to your carrier about your options.

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